Monday 21 January 2013

Paper Quiling

My new found passion and interest...Paper Quiling...
Paper Quiling is an art of making different articles by using paper strips and rolling them into different shapes.

One day ..while going over a craft articles in craft shop , I came across paper quiling kit.
Little did i know it would interest me so much. I started with it later after some days.
I did some greetings...envelopes..gifted the greeting to my aunt and uncle for their anniversary and then it was it..After that i dint even touch it...
The paper quiling papers were just lying in the box untouched.. 

Recently few months back..i visited an exhibition of handicraft articles.. There i saw a paper quiling stall...which had different kinds of articles made from paper strips.... I got interested...
My friend gifted me paper quiling kit...the instrument kit..
I had in mind what i saw in the exhibition... i searched on google for pictures for paper quiling...
The art its done..

And from there started my interest in paper quiling.. then on i made various flowers..frames of paper quiling.. all by searching on net .

Then i came across 3D paper quiling art.... The different and creative things that can be done by just rolling a paper strip and shaping it into different shapes...
I kept on searching..still am...

Then i made a 3D flowers...flower pot... chair..table..people...cups...
Then i applied the same technique to newspaper to make a flower pot... pen stand...

There is no end to creativity...innovation..imagination... the different ideas u can think of...
The different articles u can make using this technique...
How much ever you do is less... you keep learning new ideas everyday...
You don’t have to think too much...u get ideas from day to day activities..u just have to keep ur creative sensors alive and alert everytime...

Below are few examples which i tried :