Sunday 12 May 2013


Hey...Today am going to write about my new found passion : Crochet..
I was just going over different techniques and came across crochet . My grandmother used to make small table tops...tea coasters...with crochet.

Crochet is similar to knitting. Knitting is done using two sticks. Crochet is done using one stick.

At first, I thought we can make only table cloths...sweaters...jackets...with crochet.
But to my surprise...there are a whole lot of things which can be made with crochet... its just amazing...the more I search on crochet..the more designs I come mid gets flooded with new ideas ....
Some things which i never thought of can be made with crochet..

I tried few things..Once you know the basic can do a new pattern on your own...
Basic stitches : chain, Single crchet , double crochet , triple crochet, half double crochet , magic ring
Even if you know these can make lot of things and invent new patterns.. J

All you need is Yarn/any kind of thread and crochet stick which you can get easily in the market and most importantly your creative side.. J
First i tried to make small square..small circle with crochet.. Then small flowers..leaves..
Tried different shapes..butterlfies...birds..
Then i went on to make fridge magnets...they look so cute... J and they are so easy to make .
I also made a small bag... just to keep few small things..
This technique is just much creativity involved...there is no limit to imagination and creation.

There are so many tutorials..videos available on internet for crochet.. All you need to do is search and learn..
When you learn by will learn much more than going to some class and learning.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Getting along with Newspapers

My other passion is for newspaper craft . I had learned about making bags out of newspaper in school.
Then we also had newspaper dress competition where we had to dress one of the team members in newspaper made dress .

However , I realized as I was surfing through net , the different and variety of articles you can make out of newspapers.
At the end of the month , we have a pack of newspaper which goes waste and into the dustbin or to raddiwaala J
The same newspapers can be used to make something very creative and useful.

The very first item which I made was newspaper bowl . When I saw the procedure to make it, the procedure is very simple but I wondered if the bowl would be tough enough to store things. Still I decided to make it.
And I was really surprised how sturdy the bowl was . I could make different shapes for the bowl using different colors , decorative articles.

I also made paper quiling articles with newspaper… a flower pot , flowers . Using the quiling technique , you can make whole lot of stuffs 3d paper models as well.

You can make newspaper bags . You can also make newspaper bags as dustbin , you can use it for dry waste. I used it and it really lasted well .

I have also made paper sculptures out of newspaper . Make newspaper rods to make skeletons ans then use strips of newspapers, crumbled newspaper to make body of the sculpture . Use fevicol and water mixture to stick it.
Make paper mache and make sculpture out of it .
Color it with fabric colors . Color it properly covering all areas .
The paper sculptures look amazing and they are so light weight.

Also u can make handmade papers out of news papers . You can make the handmade paper at home using water, grinder , newspaper , fevicol and colours and iron net patch.
However this paper cannot be use for crafts . However you can use it for greeting cards , for decoration purposes. 

You can make baskets using weaving technique as used for cane baskets . Make newspaper rods , thinner ones. And weave the basket using these rods. The result is really super… the basket is very sturdy .. u can use fevicol along with to stick at different places . u can also use a needle and thread in order to tie the ends  ..however this is not required as such.

You need to cover all articles of newspaper with varnish so that they remain longer and clean. Apply 2 coats of varnish . This will give the article a shine and also make it more sturdy and durable.

Monday 21 January 2013

Paper Quiling

My new found passion and interest...Paper Quiling...
Paper Quiling is an art of making different articles by using paper strips and rolling them into different shapes.

One day ..while going over a craft articles in craft shop , I came across paper quiling kit.
Little did i know it would interest me so much. I started with it later after some days.
I did some greetings...envelopes..gifted the greeting to my aunt and uncle for their anniversary and then it was it..After that i dint even touch it...
The paper quiling papers were just lying in the box untouched.. 

Recently few months back..i visited an exhibition of handicraft articles.. There i saw a paper quiling stall...which had different kinds of articles made from paper strips.... I got interested...
My friend gifted me paper quiling kit...the instrument kit..
I had in mind what i saw in the exhibition... i searched on google for pictures for paper quiling...
The art its done..

And from there started my interest in paper quiling.. then on i made various flowers..frames of paper quiling.. all by searching on net .

Then i came across 3D paper quiling art.... The different and creative things that can be done by just rolling a paper strip and shaping it into different shapes...
I kept on searching..still am...

Then i made a 3D flowers...flower pot... chair..table..people...cups...
Then i applied the same technique to newspaper to make a flower pot... pen stand...

There is no end to creativity...innovation..imagination... the different ideas u can think of...
The different articles u can make using this technique...
How much ever you do is less... you keep learning new ideas everyday...
You don’t have to think too much...u get ideas from day to day activities..u just have to keep ur creative sensors alive and alert everytime...

Below are few examples which i tried :